“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

– Habakkuk 2:14

After Jesus spent three or more years with His disciples, He gave them clear directions to “go and make disciples of all nations.” We read this in Matthew 28:19. He wanted the message of His salvation for the world to be given to everyone, for His disciples and anyone who would come to believe in Him to duplicate what He modeled, and to engage every believer in the fight for human souls through this process.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” [Matthew 28:19-20]

At Global Opsarion (GO), our goal is to train people on the full cycle of discipleship in order for them to fully know how to live out being a disciple and become a disciple-maker. From the first step of building relationships to the final step of sending out disciples to duplicate the process in their own lives, we train believers in Jesus to know how to fulfill the call from Jesus to go. Here are the three ways we do this:


Our curriculum gives a detailed understanding of what the discipleship cycle is. Then it calls the participant to make a personal decision to believe and participate, and then walks them through the process of growth to becoming a disciple themselves, then a disciple-maker of others who would do the same.

Mission Trips

Our mission trips are a practical practice of what a participant just learned through our curriculum. These trips focus on the integration of discipleship practices we are to do “to the ends of the earth” and in our daily interactions with others who might want to do the same.

Spiritual Growth Trips

Our spiritual growth trips are focused on building a solid foundation for the participants to fully know how God specifically made them to engage in the discipleship process, and be an impactful part of Jesus’ team to share the Good News to the whole world. Touring the steps of Jesus with the focus of how He disciples, walking the Way of St. James in Northern Spain, and journeying the Path of Paul in Turkey, Greece, and Rome are ways we can be transformed in like-manner to how they were, to learn from their experience, and to deeply penetrate the importance of our roles in the battle Jesus called us to.

“The amount of spiritual growth I experienced on GO’s recent mission trip was unparalleled. The personal discipleship component is what made the real difference and sets this ministry and their trips apart from so many others!”

— Joshua

Do you want to know more about traveling with a GO Team or being discipled using our curriculum?

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